AWS API Gateway

AWS Serverless API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows developers to create RESTful and WebSocket APIs that can handle millions of requests per second and automatically scales up or down based on demand. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the key features of API Gateway and discuss how to use it to build a serverless API.

Creating an API Gateway

Creating a new API Gateway is easy. You can use the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or the AWS SDKs to create a new API Gateway. To create an API Gateway using the AWS Management Console, simply navigate to the API Gateway service in the AWS Management Console, and then click the "Create API" button. From there, you can choose to create a REST API or a WebSocket API.

Once you've created your API Gateway, you can start adding resources and methods to it. Resources represent the endpoints of your API, and methods represent the actions that can be performed on those endpoints. For example, you might have a resource for "users" and methods for "GET", "POST", "PUT", and "DELETE" to retrieve, create, update, and delete users, respectively.

Defining Resources and Methods

To define a resource, simply navigate to the "Resources" section of the API Gateway and click the "Create Resource" button. You can then specify a name and path for the resource, and define any additional settings, such as authentication and access control.

Once you've created a resource, you can add methods to it. To add a method, navigate to the resource, and then click the "Create Method" button. You can then choose the method type (e.g., "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE") and configure settings such as request and response validation, caching, and integration with other AWS services, such as Lambda, DynamoDB, and S3.

Integrating with AWS Lambda

One of the most powerful features of API Gateway is its ability to integrate with other AWS services, including AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. By integrating Lambda with API Gateway, you can easily create a serverless API that automatically scales based on demand.

To integrate Lambda with API Gateway, you simply need to specify a Lambda function as the "Integration" for a method. When a client makes a request to the method, API Gateway will invoke the Lambda function and pass it the request data. The Lambda function can then perform any necessary logic, such as querying a database or making an external API call and return a response to the client.

Monitoring and Logging

API Gateway provides a number of built-in monitoring and logging capabilities to help you troubleshoot and debug your APIs. For example, you can use CloudWatch Metrics to monitor the performance of your API, such as the number of requests per second and error rates. You can also use CloudWatch Logs to view detailed logs of each request and response, including headers, payloads, and execution times.


API Gateway is a powerful service that makes it easy to create, publish, maintain, and secure APIs at scale. By leveraging the integration with Lambda, we can create serverless APIs that can handle millions of requests per second and automatically scale based on demand. Additionally, monitoring and logging tools built-in, helps developer troubleshoot and debug the api's.